Our Network

Competence Network for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism (KompRex)

Cultures Interactive (NGO) is one of the five organizers of the German Competence Network for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism (KompRex). Funded by the federal program "Live Democracy!", we work together with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kirche und Rechtsextremismus (NGO), Gesicht Zeigen! (NGO) and the LidiceHaus (NGO) to address new challenges posed by right-wing extremism and group-focused enmity and to further develop prevention nationwide.

Together we organize conferences and action days, develop recommendations and guidelines for action and support the networking of actors involved in the prevention of right-wing extremism in Germany. In addition, we pool the expertise of the five organizations in their specific fields of work and provide advice, support and knowledge transfer to various client groups.

Mehr about KompRex

Right-wing extremism prevention information portal

Are you looking for a counseling center or training in your region? Together with the German Competence Network for the Prevention of Right-Wing Extremism, we have developed an information portal that provides nationwide information on support services for dealing with right-wing extremism. This includes a wide range of services for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, such as empowerment workshops to strengthen people who oppose right-wing extremism, as well as counseling centers for those affected by right-wing extremism. You can use the information portal for the prevention of right-wing extremism to search the wide range of programs for the prevention of right-wing extremism in Germany by federal state, topic or format.

Open Information Portal